The Accent For Every Structure
Cupolas, with their elegant designs and versatile nature, can provide an architecturally distinctive touch to a variety of structures. Not limited to merely adorning rooftops, these charming ornaments can be incorporated into numerous residential and commercial settings to enhance their visual appeal.
Equipped with vents or windows, cupolas can additionally serve as sources of natural light and ventilation, revitalizing the entire ambiance of their surroundings. In essence, the possibilities for integrating these beautiful architectural elements within various environments are boundless, spanning from traditional to contemporary settings, to elevate the overall aesthetic perception of any structure.
Cupola Styles
Cupola Styles
Signature Series Cupolas
The Signature Series cupolas are one of the most detailed and elegantly designed cupolas on the market today. With fluted trims and custom moldings these cupolas are crafted using cellular pvc-vinyl and capped with a copper roof, making a great and lasting impression atop your home and many other outbuildings.
Estate Cupolas Series
The Estate Series cupolas are very attractively designed and constructed. With arched louvers or windows, these cupolas are crafted using cellular pvc-vinyl or western red cedar and then capped with a copper roof, providing a crowning glory atop any roofline.
Select Cupola Series
The Select Series cupolas are more traditionally designed and constructed. These cupolas are crafted using cellular pvc-vinyl or now available in cedar and capped with a copper or metal roof, adding a special finishing touch for your garage, storage shed, and many other buildings.
Estate Copper Cupolas
The Estate-Copper Series cupolas offer the same design features as the Estate Series cupolas, but boast that distinctive appearance of an all-copper cupola. These cupolas are crafted using cellular pvc-vinyl and clad with 24 gauge copper. These cupolas will provide lasting beauty and durability to your home or institution.